On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the stretching of our faith right now and how it relates to what comes in the near future. These are the battles we face, the stretching of our faith, the building of our endurance and patience even when we are waiting a… Continue reading New Podcast: Don’t Give Up
Tag: Repentance
New Podcast: In The Day of Visitation (w/ Special Guest Manyrounds)
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be welcoming back to the program my good friend and Brother in Christ, Manyrounds, to do a review on recent developments concerning the war front, but also the reality that the time for warnings are pretty much coming to a close. We have both come… Continue reading New Podcast: In The Day of Visitation (w/ Special Guest Manyrounds)
New Podcast: Romans 8 Decree Prayer & Warning of Repentance to the Church
Ephesians 6 tells us put on the armor of God as we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spirits in wicked places. This couldn’t be more true than now as we are in a real battle for our souls. Some of you have reached out to me behind the scenes and told me… Continue reading New Podcast: Romans 8 Decree Prayer & Warning of Repentance to the Church
New Podcast: The Lord Is Not Playing: The Sword Revelation
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be getting real about the lateness of the hour and the disconnect and blatant denial taking place on a mass-level as the sword comes. In the coming war, in the coming persecution; denial, ignorance and hell, will not be bliss. Only eternal life with Jesus… Continue reading New Podcast: The Lord Is Not Playing: The Sword Revelation
New Podcast: Are You Really Walking In His Ways?
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about a recent revelation the Lord gave to me with concern for those who believe that after being saved they can continue on sinning. I realize this episode is longer but I’m covering a lot of ground. I will be covering the consequences… Continue reading New Podcast: Are You Really Walking In His Ways?
New Podcast: God’s Promises Pt. 2 – Decrees, Promises & Prayers of Protection
In this second installment of God’s Promises, I will be talking about the Lord’s promise of protection as well as His faithful promise of being your faithful Guardian and means of security. We know that war comes soon and we know there are those out there who have a rampant hatred of Jesus and all… Continue reading New Podcast: God’s Promises Pt. 2 – Decrees, Promises & Prayers of Protection
New Podcast: God’s Way or The Way of Pride?
As we are undeniably in the last days, are we being cautious of pride or unknowingly taking part? There are several ways that pride reveals itself. On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be sharing a dream-vision I had and relating it to choosing to go your own way or God’s way. … Continue reading New Podcast: God’s Way or The Way of Pride?
New Podcast: Will You Fish or Cut-Bait? (You Must Choose NOW) w/ Special Guest Manyrounds
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be inviting on Manyrounds to discuss more recent developments within the last few weeks since he was last on. We will be presenting that there has indeed been a rapid progression of events having to do with persecution and the plans for us. There was… Continue reading New Podcast: Will You Fish or Cut-Bait? (You Must Choose NOW) w/ Special Guest Manyrounds
New Podcast: Progression of Wickedness Rapidly Accelerating
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed I will be opening with a warning to the wicked and a call for repentance. I will be laying out how the stage is being set for persecution of Christians and enslavement to the beast system for anyone who think they can sit it all out passively or… Continue reading New Podcast: Progression of Wickedness Rapidly Accelerating
New Podcast: 2023: The Year of Persecution & Social Credit
What is coming in 2023 for the Body of Christ? Where do we stand with the Lord now? On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will lay out what the Lord has been showing me on where the body is. This is a herald to get right with the Lord and walk in… Continue reading New Podcast: 2023: The Year of Persecution & Social Credit