Unfocused Fatigue

Many, including myself have been in a state of sadness recently as we are witnessing many suffer whether it has been a form of financially, medically, or enduring a form of shunning.  The most important factor to remember is our focus on Jesus in this storm we are beginning to enter.  If we are lacking… Continue reading Unfocused Fatigue

What You Do Now Matters Later

Happy Saturday Everyone!    As part of the recent podcasts and writings I have done in regards to having on the proper attire for the wedding feast, and due to recently talking about the separations within the body and the need to keep doing good during these times of adversity, I felt led to write… Continue reading What You Do Now Matters Later

What is Faith? Healing & Unity in the Body

Greetings Brothers and Sisters!  Today I would like to write about something a little more on the positive side.  While it is important to address the problem of sin, I feel it is also important to discuss the area of forgiveness and true redemption in Jesus.    I think that one of the struggles new… Continue reading What is Faith? Healing & Unity in the Body

‘You Should Only Fear Me’

I have been spending time recently in Nehemiah and just as of yesterday, the book of Esther.  I have been praying on what the Lord is showing me in these but last night He gave to me Psalms 73, 75, 86 and 92 specifically.  He is desiring more time from His people.     When I… Continue reading ‘You Should Only Fear Me’

My Love For You

As we approach Resurrection Sunday, I felt it was timely to talk about the Lord’s love for us.  There are many out there who are distressed at this time and the one thing the Lord’s sacrifice should first suggest to anyone who is having difficulties or feeling down due to it feeling like there isn’t… Continue reading My Love For You

“I Desire The Proper Attire At My Wedding Feast”

Over the weekend, the Lord directed me that He desires I speak of His love for us and all that He has done.  With the time being short, due to the lateness of the hour I can understand why this is so important especially as we come up on the resurrection of Jesus.  While I… Continue reading “I Desire The Proper Attire At My Wedding Feast”

So Much Division But Little Mercy

People are scared right now and as such they are allowing their fear to consume them to the point that they are reaching their breaking point and taking it out on their fellow citizens.  Anyone can go on YouTube and find endless cell-phone video footage of everyday people beating up on and berating those who… Continue reading So Much Division But Little Mercy

Don’t Worry -Only Believe & Have Patience

With everything we are seeing at this time I have felt led to write on the topic of worry.  This post is related to two earlier posts concerning Enduring Trials and Victory.  If you are a new reader and have not done so, I would encourage you to take the time to read those. While… Continue reading Don’t Worry -Only Believe & Have Patience

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