Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they… Continue reading A Rather Persistent & Strong Delusion…
Tag: Deception
New Podcast: Children, Saint Nick & The Satanic ‘Clause’
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be laying out the difference between Santa Claus, the ‘clause,’ Saint Nicholas and how they are NOT the same person. I will explain the dangers of practicing magic and witchcraft and what Christmas is truly about vs what the world would like to instill in… Continue reading New Podcast: Children, Saint Nick & The Satanic ‘Clause’
New Podcast: Where Is Your Faith?
Many are concerned with the rumors of war and all the news surrounding recent developments surrounding that. Many seem to be concerned with misplaced priorities (elections & normalcy bias = idols & false ideologies) that will not help them nor save anyone in what comes. On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will… Continue reading New Podcast: Where Is Your Faith?
New Podcast: Attacks of Shame & Condemnation
This episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast is a repost of ‘Shame/Condemnation Attacks’ where I was a guest on Just Praise Him Radio with Glynda Lomax of Just Praise Him Today and our mutual brother in Christ, Tom Bixler. In this episode we discuss how that, recently many of us have been coming under attacks… Continue reading New Podcast: Attacks of Shame & Condemnation
A Great Deception Presents
The enemy is getting ready to stage a deception on My people. Unseen powers who long for control will use this deception to cause great confusion so that if it were possible to deceive even the very elect. Many will state this illusion is of Me. Believe it not for those who do will be… Continue reading A Great Deception Presents
Be Aware of the ‘Ring’
For years I have been very suspicious of any programs to collect DNA, Bio-Metrics, etc. At my old claims job, they would push, yearly, the option to lower your health insurance premium for getting a biometric analysis. I was skeptical of this because, number one, if they want to use this data to lower your… Continue reading Be Aware of the ‘Ring’
War Has Begun -Endure Patiently as Lawlessness Abounds
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters, Hope you are having a great Sunday. As I was spending time in 2 Thessalonians 2, chapters 2 and 3 -and, also time in 2 Timothy chapters 2 and 3, I received a message from the Lord. Anyone who is familiar with these verses understands they speak of… Continue reading War Has Begun -Endure Patiently as Lawlessness Abounds
A Great Deception?
Some of you may remember that in a recent podcast I did on JPH, where I mentioned that I had not experienced any dreams for a while. Last year, I was having one per month and then it was every few months. At the most, I had some that were a few weeks apart in… Continue reading A Great Deception?
So Much Division But Little Mercy
People are scared right now and as such they are allowing their fear to consume them to the point that they are reaching their breaking point and taking it out on their fellow citizens. Anyone can go on YouTube and find endless cell-phone video footage of everyday people beating up on and berating those who… Continue reading So Much Division But Little Mercy