New Podcast: Stripping Off The Weights Part Two: Abiding & Obedience vs. Rebellion

On this follow-up episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be continuing the series ‘Strip off the Weights.’  In this second part I will be contrasting between the Godly and Ungodly, the backslidden and the unbelieving.   I will be speaking to the growing apathy and division.  I will be bringing about conviction as to what it means to truly abide in the Lord, foundations and being found in Him when the storm arrives.  I will also be speaking to a recent experience I had with the Lord as well as a brief Word He gave me in this experience. I will be speaking to what abiding is and that it’s more than just saying we do.  I will be speaking to the importance of praise and giving thanks. Additionally, I will be speaking to a dream I was shown about many being unprepared in the times to come, the ‘coming flood’ and the dangers of this and relating it back to what I have talked about, not only in the first half but also how it relates to many being more concerned with worldly matters than remaining in the Lord.  Is our faith genuine or do we just say it is and behave otherwise?  What does our behavior demonstrate?  It is these questions and others I will be shining the light on in the second half of ‘Stripping Off The Weights.’







For those of you who prefer to listen to both parts as one podcast or download it as one file, this version is now available below.







Scriptures used for this series are posted under part one. 


    1. God Bless you sister and I am glad to hear you enjoy the podcasts! Please do not feel pressured or obligated to give if you can’t. I know all too well myself what you’re talking about and please know that my heart goes out to you. Please understand that the message is not solely about giving money or tithes, although in some circumstances it can apply for those who do need helps in the financial aspect because I have seen it many times. The message was also about giving ourselves just in overall moral and spiritual support. But in the case of support or helps financially, it is for this reason that those who are able should do so because there are many out there who can’t do much or are completely unable and then there are those who are more than well able but then don’t do much of anything or very seldom do much, therefore making it harder and/or a burden on everyone else.

      In the latter case, some do forget and need a refresher on 2 Corinthians 8, among others, where it speaks to the very point of things being equal and giving but it’s like I said in the podcast, not too many want to be corrected and it’s certainly not fair to those who have less to have to keep hearing that over and over again when I addressed it just a year ago. And that message does not just apply to a ministry needing support, but those who really need it (discernment) but then are looked down upon. It is important that this is realized now as many are starting to lose their jobs. It’s also going to need to be understood as disasters increase and like I said in the message we should be doing this anyway. The bottom line is; Those who can help, should help. Compassion and empathy should be at the forefront in a believer’s mind and if they have the mind of Christ it should come first hand. It is a warning for the rich or wealthy who do nothing but are well able, of which scripture does warn of in James 5:1-6 and Revelation 3:17.

      It does need to be pointed out from time to time, because in the times to come, Christians are going to need to understand they are not going to be able to stand on their own resource-wise which is another reason I spoke to mercy in all aspects and to treat others as we would want to be treated and used a testimony in the first half in part to demonstrate it. Those with plenty who continue this way or are stingy when called upon are going to be shown eventually because what they don’t understand is that by cheating the poor, much less the ministries that ought to plow in hope and to feed others, they are actually cheating God. This is all in scripture, particularly in 1 Corinthians 9 & Isaiah 10:2-3. Then when His children who are in lack have to cry out, including His servants, to those who did not give it is a sin (Exodus 22:23, Luke 18:7 and James 5) and our Heavenly Father will hear.

      Hope that makes sense and please know that I didn’t mean for it to sound like a burden to you or those with little.

      Blessings Wanda and I do appreciate your concern and I want you to know that your comment in itself is not only a Blessing but a rarity and is appreciated. 🙂

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