Prophetic Word Repost: America’s Judgment: The Red Scourge

As we watched the (s)elections unfold, in addition to the 34 states where abortion has been legalized or has limits, SEVEN states had it on the ballot to increase access to abortion.  Ladies and Gentleman, abortion is MURDER.  Period.  Exodus 20:13 plainly states, thou shall not kill (murder).  Jesus said, quoting His Words in Matthew 19:18;  He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness. 


Jesus also said in Matthew 18:6-7;


But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!



Who does man think he or she is to take away what God created (life)?  Does America think that it can continue to commit murder as a bi-product of adultery by using abortion as a form of birth control and then lie (bear false witness) to itself AND before God while celebrating, and that God is really going to bless this nation?  If you believe that, you are indeed deceived.  This nation is under a curse.  It is under judgment and now she has been given over to exactly what she has sewn.  God is still on the throne and contrary to the prophe-lie guilt tripping going around under the NAR movement in regards to voting (of which I spoke to months ago), He is speaking to the matter of abortion here. 


If anyone still doesn’t understand what or who they are celebrating, I highly recommend clicking here and taking a look at who was just elected and connect the dots.  In fact watch more than even just that one video.  He speaks a lot to the very same things I have already spoken and warned about over the last one to two years but maybe some visuals will help bring clarity.  Of course, there will still be the naysayers.  But for those who are aware (of which some of you are), when you hear anyone telling you that you are evil because you didn’t ‘pick the right side’ I would suggest running far far away from anyone spewing such rhetoric.  There was never a ‘right side.’   It’s all divide and conquer.  All I will quote in response to that is Isaiah 5:20.  This fulfills exactly what Jesus said would happen in John 16.  In reality, we are fast approaching if not teetering on the brink of what Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:15-25. 


Did the Lord not say to make no gods before Him? 


Did He not say that if it were possible the very elect would be deceived?  Did Paul not warn of this in 2 Thessalonians 2?


What you are watching right now in regards to wars and rumors of wars is all part of the NWO plan and it was prophesied long ago.  Is it not too shocking that a war would be unleashed to bring in the man of peace?  Be aware for when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


We are indeed approaching a red scourge.  


The following Word is not my own but I am in agreement with it.  It is a Word that Steve Quayle received from a viewer which he has posted under his alerts section on his website.  Though this word appears to have been given back in January, it was only recently posted but it is still very much relevant.  I am simply mirroring it here;





In the evening of 17 January 2024, a restlessness in my spirit started and became a very strong burden/prompting from the Holy Spirit. At the 8 P.M. timeframe the Holy Spirit spoke to me gave me the following Prophetic word/message:


Holy Spirit Prophetic Word 17 January 2024: “America’s Judgment: The Red Scourge”


“I ask You, America, do You value Your life? I ask You, America, do You value the very breath I gave You? I ask You, America, do You value the very lives of all the precious little children who were made in My very image? America, there is a red scourge that has been placed upon Your land. The red scourge is all the blood that has been poured out from the little ones who had no voice. Their very voice cries out this day against You, America. Who will stand up against this scourge that has filled this nation called America? The blood of the little children I had created and made in My very own image and placed My very own DNA within them flows down each and every street in You, America. Their very blood cries out of You, America.


How dare You, America ask Me to bless Your land? How dare You, America! America, the very water supply, the very water You drink, You shower with, You wash Your clothes with, has the very blood of the innocent little ones within each and every drop. America, You have become wretched. You have become evil. You have become wicked. You, America have a blood lust. America, My charge against You is this. You love the blood of the little children You have murdered. America, all You care about is Your next election. All You care about is who You will vote for. All You care about is if Your vote will count. How about the box of ballots that have the names of all those little children who have been murdered in Your land, America through the scourge of abortion? I say to You, America, the stench of the blood of the innocent ones You have murdered is so strong that I cannot stand it any longer. America, You are under My divine judgment! The precious children America are not throw away rag dolls. They are precious in My sight. I formed them in their mother’s wombs. How dare You, America think that I care about Your next election! I care about the very life I have created in the womb.


My word says that if any harm comes to any of these little ones that person should have a millstone tied to them and be put into the depth of the sea. O, America, You are deluded, believing that I will bless Your land again. You, America showed Me the door and kicked Me out of Your land long ago. You are an abomination to Me. How dare You, America destroy the very lives of the young innocent ones and then call upon Me to bless Your land again. There is no repentance America in Your land for having done this to the very ones I created with My very own breath. As You have done this America to the very least of these ones, You have done it unto Me. America, Your nation, Your land is saturated and drenched with the blood of the little children, You have murdered. Where are those who say they are Mine standing up for Me and defending the blood of these little ones? Who will speak out against this demonic evil even if it costs you, your very life?


This is a scourge against You, America and soon Your destruction will be complete. You, America have sown to the wind and You will now reap the whirlwind!”





Interesting and separately; there’s that term ‘whirlwind’ again.

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