New Podcast: The Confession of & Repentance of Sins

On this follow up episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the importance of confessing our sins and why we repent when we know we have sinned and the dangers of not doing so.  I will be sharing a dream I had about open windows and talking about open doors to sin and certain ways satan and his demons can try to come in if we’re not aware of the traps set for us and how easy it is to be deceived and allow them making it much more difficult to repent.  I will also be talking about the proper way we should be walking in the Christian faith.  Issues related to the heart.  Why is sin so destructive spiritually once we are saved?  What does it mean to be grafted out of the vine if we do not continue to abide in our Lord Jesus?  What are the consequences of continuing in these sins as well as unrepentance?  Lastly, I will be discussing denial as believers where there is a belief that once we are saved but think we are not responsible to do anything else to maintain our walk.  What are the dangers of not remaining in the Lord’s grace?  In this scripture packed episode, I will be covering all these points and more. 





Note: Due to the amount of scripture used in this podcast, verses will not be posted this time.  It is encouraged that the listener take notes and look up the verses used in whichever translation they are most comfortable using.  Thank you.


  1. Thank you very much Ray, for all you do in reminding us time and again, of this essential factor in checking ourselves. I thought the same thing of your dream – spiritual house cleaning / cleansing. In relation to that, we also have to be careful of things we expose ourselves to (what we see, read, watch, hear, listen to, and speak – our eyes, ears, mouth, and mind are gates / open doors). This, and the previous episode are definitely a must listen to, and for every listener to pay attention to at the late hour we’re already in. I pray for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, in the heart, mind, soul, and spirit of each and every one who listens. God always and richly bless you!

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