On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about adversity among believers and contrasting how we should be treating one another during the season of Thanksgiving. I will be providing solutions in overcoming these difficulties as it pertains to what the Lord says we should be doing in His Word. Are we bitter or seeking to improve in our dealings with one another? Does the Lord see Himself in our actions or are we blinded by the sin of pride? Are we good stewards in the faith with what the Lord is entrusting to many of us or are we risking a trip into the wilderness? It is my prayer this podcast Blesses you for Thanksgiving and gives everyone something to reflect on.
Ray, with this one, you’re right over the target. A believer, and thus one who knows what a friend is, ought to feel an ouch. But that’s a good thing. I can only recommend that this podcast of yours on a quiet day be put on loop for many, to include one like myself who finds friendship more valuable than gold any time. This is my third time listenening to this latest piece of yours. It resonates. It’s good stuff, Ray. Very good stuff.
Oh yes, we can be bitter. Or we can be better. Continue to be strong, Ray, where your heart shines brightest. Just speak it out from your heart, and folks will hear it. And you know what? Lots of times, buddy, you go out there and speak where others might think, “Oh, yikes, I can’t say that!!”
Forgive me if we still don’t (yet) talk today. You know how beat I am lately, dealing with so much on several levels, but also I have some testimony that’s powerful based on giving thanks and getting humble and looking into some deeper things with others where I had previously glossed over some important things. Yet you also know I’m not going anywhere (away) any time soon, no matter good or bad health days…and no matter if I feel creative one day or depressed on another.
To have a friend is a rich gift. And I don’t mean (as you aptly describe) “fair weather” friends. And to be frank, if you’re literally looking for fair weather here in chilly, windy Michigan this time of year, then hey good luck! Best advice: When you find a friend, even one who can present a bit of trouble here and there, then just settle in with a mind to embrace. To show love, even on days when it seems like one can run out of ways to smooth out rough edges, is quite something.
As my young adult son (he’s pretty wise at age 22 going on 23) has said to me in several contexts, “Dad, if the juice is worth the squeeze, then go for it.” Wow…my boy is on to something big. And by the way, Ray, thank you for sharing a personal true story here about a friend of yours many years ago. Heaven took notes at the time; it was a victory and still is and always will be. In fact, if there’s a library there in Heaven, I think there’s a polished leather-bound man’s volume with gold embellishments shining on the shelf just waiting for the next reader to check it out and enjoy it. Hallelujia.
God bless you, Ray. Be yourself, don’t hold back, keep sharing your big generous heart. Never apologize for being strong. You are a light in this crazy world. God and shine and I’ll try to keep up with you.
Well, I spelled “hallelujah” wrong, and also said “God and shine” when I meant “Go and shine.” And so, once again I’m imperfect. But you know what, I kind of like how God and shine sounds! My word mistake in the end really works, for nothing shines without Him.