New Podcast: The Judgment of Nations – Part 2: Defeating The Enemy’s Lies (w/ Glynda Lomax)

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, my good friend Glynda Lomax of Just Praise Him Radio and myself will be presenting part 2 of the series titled, ‘Judgment of Nations: Defeating The Enemy’s Lies.’  Many are feeling defeated.  Many are losing hope.  Many are taking their own lives out of depression and despair. Many feel they are too far gone to be saved or rather they are believing the lie from satan who has them ‘thinking’ they are too far gone.  Glynda and myself will refute that lie in this episode. 


On this episode, we will present that many of us are feeling worn down, but we implore you not to give up but to re-examine your faith and counteract what seems to be impossible with the possible in Jesus Christ.  We will present biblical examples of those who thought they could not be saved but were.  We will present the antidote to fear, worry, repentance, and salvation through Jesus Christ.


This is a jammed packed episode with lots of scripture so I would encourage anyone listening to take notes that you may refer to later.  It is my prayer that if you are seeking to know where you stand and have concerns about your salvation as a believer, or think that you can’t be saved that you stay tuned for the full show.   It is myself and Glynda’s prayer that this podcast is a blessing to you.


There will be one more part to this series being released next week. 





Words presented in this podcast:




Do Not Let Him Convince You


So Weary






  1. This post is a real blessing for our souls ,Glynda and Ray your posts are building up and very powerful, please keep up the good work .

    1. Yes, I definitely agree – as with all the episodes they did together. That aside, Ray’s are also very much needed, hard hitting, so in your face shaking truths for us, in the very divided body < WHAT will it take for everyone to BE doers (and not just hearers) of the Word – COME OUT OF, and LEAVE EVERYTHING CHURCHIANITY BEHIND?

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