New Podcast: Choice of Eternity (w/ Special Guest Manyrounds)

The clock is ticking.  In this season we now find ourselves in, many of us will be required to make tough choices but among those the biggest one will be who we serve; ourselves?  Those around us?  Or Jesus?  As judgment begins to fall due to many abominations & rampant sin, will we remain faithful to Jesus as our world becomes something we no longer recognize?  When there is no food, no electric, or nobody to trust as persecution abounds -will we remain faithful to God and continue to trust only Him?  That time is now upon us and we all have decisions to put into place while there is yet but a whisper of time.  On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, my good friend and brother in Christ, Manyrounds of Fellowship of the Fortified Tower, will be joining me to help convey a recent revelation both of us have been given.  We discuss what the Lord is requiring of His people and also some of Chuck Youngbrandt’s prophecy to illustrate that we are now there.  We both pray this podcast will be a Blessing to you.







Message ‘Wolves Among My Sheep’



Blog Post: An Unconventional Refining



View the prophecy of Chuck Youngbrandt Here



Chuck Youngbrandt’s Detailed Vision Concerning The Invasion of America (1999)



Visit Manyrounds’ Fellowship of the Fortified Tower Here



Mike Adams Situation Update June 22,2022: Diesel Engine Oil OUTAGE ALERT -Entire Supply WIPED OUT Until 2023



Lake Mead Drying Up:  Just How Low Is The Water Level?



Not Mentioned In This Podcast but Noteworthy: BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide



Megadrought: A Film by Steve Quayle (though this was not mentioned in the podcast I am posting it here in the event anyone would like to view it)


  1. Hey Ray,

    I just finished listening to your podcast with Manyrounds. WOW VERY sobering to listen to. Everything you all said in the podcast is deff lining up with where things are heading.

    Also I just read Chuck’s prophecy in the link you provided to it on the podcast. That prophecy was VERY sobering. Although we do not know the timing of events of the food riots he saw happening in August, if that happens this August and the one part of the prophecy happens this December then we know we are in the first year.

    Obviously we will have to wait and see how this all plays out cause we don’t know when it will start. However if those to things happen we know for certain we’re in year one. This is deff a season and time to stay prayed up alert and stay VERY close to Jesus for sure.

    We live in crazy times.

    I’m staying close to Jesus I know that much.

    I find it interesting he got the word from the Lord in the 70’s and you see a lot of it coming to pass now. This summer has been extremely hot and miserable. I’m definitely going to be reading that word and keeping a close eye as things keep happening in the world. Whether it’s now or in 10 years we’re deff heading toward a one-world government just like the Bible says will happen. They want total control that is for sure and VERY obvious by everything that’s happening now.

    AWESOME podcast man!! Great job on getting the word out. Keep doing the work of God’s Kingdom man, you’re doing awesome brother!! I really enjoyed the podcast. Like I said I’m going to stay close to Jesus and get in the Ark for sure. It is deff eye opening and scary for sure but I’m so so thankful I know the Lord. We’re deff going to need Gods mercy for sure!!

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