On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I was a guest on Just Praise Him Radio with Glynda Lomax to discuss the elements of a wilderness experience and signs you may be in one and what to do.
On this episode, you will hear us discuss:
- How wilderness seasons right now are connected to escaping those things that are to come
- What our wilderness seasons were like, how we felt
- Things we got right and wrong – meltdown moments from our wilderness experiences
- What happens as the wilderness season progresses
- A discussion of the Promise of Promotion
- What is the purpose of a wilderness season and why would a loving Father put us through all that?
- Choosing to submit now – or later
Be sure to check out The Wilderness Companion by Glynda Lomax if you are interested in learning more about the wilderness.
This is Part 1 of a 2 part series.
Glynda and I apologize for the delays and blips today. There was a bad connection and this was unfortunately out of our hands while recording as we live on opposite sides of the country.
Brother Ray, this is one of the most beautiful testimonies I’ve ever heard. What you’ve done here, in a public format, can be terrifying. The risk of rejection and/or judgment keeps many silent, yet if they could only be assured, there are people who would not only NOT judge them, but love them all the more. And if they might only feel free to speak up, every one of us would be all the richer in spirit and in a faith that would continue to grow. The collaboration here between you and Glynda Lomax is superb, so well worth the investment of less than an hour’s time listening! And by the way, Ray, I couldn’t be more proud or more honored to be your friend. All glory to God, but also huge kudos and great respect, to you from me, for sheer courage. Indeed, Our Father is in the business of growing beautiful things from piles of ashes. Your anointed and growing ministry is one of those positive proofs.
Thank you Brother for your warm words of support and for being an encouragement through all the good and bad. I believe the Lord to reward you greatly Brother Tom. Keep doing what you do!