Feedback Requested

Greetings everyone,   


Hope all is well with everyone.  A new podcast will be available soon but in the meantime, I felt I should take the opportunity to see if there are any teachings or topics you would like to see me talk about on the podcast or present here.  Feedback has been at a minimum lately and I am wondering where everyone is and so I felt it important to reach out. 


Please feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email via the contact form.  I would love to hear from you!


Jesus Bless you all,




  1. I know it’s not the type of subject you usually teach on, but I would love to hear your take on the anti-Christ. His appearance is not far away. Thank you for all the work you put into each podcast you do. Your teachings are fantastic! You are one of only 3 teachers that I listen to regularly and the other two are very well know and on television every week.

  2. Brother, what a great idea to reach out and ask! Last night was the third where I had the same series of powerful dreams about having to be accountable for my thoughts, words and actions toward others. In the dreams, my life on Earth had ended, and so there was apparently nothing left to do but to stand and witness all I had said and thought and done. And each time I witnessed something important, I was induced to take a sip from a cup that was given to me. Sometimes the sip I took tasted sweet or otherwise good; but otherwise in instances it tasted foul or bitter. So, then, my idea has to do with exploring areas in our lives where there may be spiritual resistance in terms of what remains unresolved, or evidence of lack of repentance.

  3. I still tend to get confused as far as whether I’m feeling my own guilt & shame, or whether the devil makes me have negative thoughts & feelings. Help me out with this please.

    1. Greetings Laurie, I was a guest on JPH Radio with Glynda Lomax and we did a podcast titled ‘Attacks of Shame and Condemnation’ a while back. If you look under my podcast feed and scroll to the older shows you will find it there.

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